
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

ART 2C - Individual Projects in Drawing    ( 3.00 -单位)
Individual project 发展 for advanced drawers to create a personal and related body of eight drawings. Concept definition and 发展 to be determined by the student and approved by the instructor.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create a series of conceptually related drawings.
  2. 学会批评自己的工作,以提高自己.
  3. Draw successfully using advanced skill with the elements of line, 形状, 价值, 纹理, and space.
  4. 组织一个专业的演示来展示最终的图纸.

ART 2B - Drawing and Composition    ( 3.00 -单位)
第2A条所介绍的知识和技能的发展, emphasizing exploration of artistic 概念, 风格, 以及与中级绘画相关的创造性表达, 专注于复杂的主题和概念,使用各种绘画媒介, 技术, 和方法. 本课程的学生将以基本的绘画技巧为基础,在涵盖多种历史和当代绘画方法的练习中开发个性化的内容和材料方法.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 正确表达色彩理论和绘画中色彩的形象运用.     
  2. 表现出手眼协调能力的提高.
  3. 在中等水平上展示使用石墨和粉彩的技能.
  4. Draw successfully using the inter媒体te skill of eye to hand coordination using the elements of line, 形状, 价值, 纹理, 和空间创造一个现实的绘画在黑白和彩色媒体.

ART 2A - Introduction to Drawing    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程提供探索基本绘画概念的直接经验, including the expressive use of contour, 价值, 透视和构图,同时使用各种媒体. 分配的项目可能包括静物,风景,肖像和人物. Focus on perceptually based drawing, 观察力, 技术能力, 以及对材料和主题的创造性反应.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create the illusion of three-dimensional form and space on a two-dimension surface in black and white 媒体.
  2. 展示现实主义绘画中手眼协调的技巧.
  3. 运用线的元素,成功地运用眼手协调的技巧进行绘画, 形状, 价值, 纹理和空间创造一个现实的绘画在黑白媒体
  4. 组织一篇反映基本要素的好作文.

ART 3B - Figure and Composition II    ( 3.00 -单位)
继续发展图和作文I中介绍的知识和技能. 强调色彩和概念的主题,在绘图的人的形式. 学生将练习和使用现场模型创作作文.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 利用图形发展个人的表达内容.
  2. 从现场人物模型中创建观察图,展示人体解剖学和结构的先进知识;
  3. draw the human form accurately in color;

ART 3C - Figure and Composition III    ( 3.00 -单位)
继续发展在第3B条中进一步发展的知识和技能. Emphasis on 作文 and color and different figurative design elements during the drawing of the human form. Drawing elements stressing emotions and expressions.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 设计具象的作品,强调情感内容
  2. 在清晰精确的设计基础上绘制人物构图
  3. 用颜色画人以强调表达和个性

ART 3A - Figure and Composition I    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to drawing the human figure from observation using a wide variety of drawing 媒体 and 技术. 主题包括人体解剖学的介绍和人物绘画在视觉艺术中的历史和当代角色. Students in this course will learn both descriptive and expressive approaches to drawing the figure. Open to any student, no drawing experience required.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 从真人模型中创建观察图,展示对人体解剖和结构的理解;
  2. 通过对线条的操纵来发展富有表现力的内容, form, 价值, 作文, 的姿势, and anatomical proportions;
  3. 使用口头或书面形式的相关术语评估和评论课堂项目.

ART 3D - Figure and Composition IV    ( 3.00 -单位)
艺术 3C的持续发展和技能的进一步发展. Emphasis on 作文 and color and different figurative design elements during the drawing of the human form. 强调个人哲学和表达的绘画元素.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用各种媒介绘制和构建复杂的构图.
  2. 使用多种媒介绘制,着色和构建复杂的构图
  3. 绘制,着色和构建具有单独开发内容的图形

ART 7B - Inter媒体te Watercolor 绘画    ( 3.00 -单位)
Continued 发展 of knowledge and 技术 introduced in Beginning Watercolor 绘画. 强调中级水彩技术,提高学生的技能和绘画作品集. 学生将开始根据自己的个人风格创作作品.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 学生将创作复杂的水彩画作品
  2. 学生将能够使用不同的水彩画技术绘制不同的图片
  3. Students will demonstrate the use of color that emphasizes 价值 as a basis for color contrast.

ART 7D - Advanced Watercolor 绘画 II    ( 3.00 -单位)
继续发展的技能和技术介绍了先进的水彩画I, directed towards individual needs. Student artist is directed to develop personalized imagery and begin to settle on individual 技术.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Students will develop personal viewpoints so their works reflect their own emotional philosophy.
  2. The student will be able to paint advanced watercolor paintings based on skills developed in 7A, 7B和7C
  3. 学生将以专业的方式展示他们的作品

ART 7A - Introduction to Watercolor 绘画    ( 3.00 -单位)
The student will learn materials, 方法, 技术和观看演示透明水彩画, including its effects and possibilities. The student will work with the instructor to maximize watercolor painting skills during class and at home.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. paint and manipulate materials, 透明水彩特有的基本方法和开始技法;
  2. 展示一幅成功的绘画所必需的基本水彩价值对比.
  3. 通过使用水彩展示颜色和构图.

ART 7C - Advanced Watercolor 绘画 I    ( 3.00 -单位)
建立在技能和技术介绍中级水彩画, so that the student can solve 作文 problems as well as begin to utilize personal expressions. 强调构图,概念和可视化技能.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 学生将能够使用水彩画解决高级构图问题
  2. 学生将重新诠释历史影响作为他们工作的基础.
  3. Student will continue to improve watercolor skills & technique develop in 7A and 7B

ART 9 - CCACA Conference colloquium    ( 1.00 -单位)
学生们将在每年在戴维斯举行的加州陶瓷艺术发展会议上探索规划和执行自己的陶瓷艺术展览的各个方面, CA.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Discuss and compare basic design principles, 概念, 媒体, and formats in the various fine arts disciplines.
  2. 在一个或多个特定美术领域构思、设计和创作作品的能力.
  3. 发展各种美学问题的工作知识, 流程, 以及媒介及其与概念化的关系, 发展, and completion of works of art.

ART 9B - 艺术 Interdisciplinary Colloquium II    ( 1.00 -单位)
这是一门跨学科课程的高级课程, exploring the 流程, ideas and diverse 媒体 of visual arts. The course addresses the thematic 概念 that are central to the nature of art making today. 视觉问题解决和团队合作将贯穿整个课程, in addition to an in-depth exploration of various materials and the nature of professional art practices. Learn leadership skills by mentoring entry level students.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Discuss and compare basic design principles, 概念, 媒体, and formats in the various fine arts disciplines.
  2. 在一个或多个特定美术领域构思、设计和创作作品的能力.
  3. 发展各种美学问题的工作知识, 流程, 以及媒介及其与概念化的关系, 发展, and completion of works of art.

ART 9A - 艺术 Interdisciplinary Colloquium I    ( 1.00 -单位)
This is an interdisciplinary course, exploring the 流程, ideas and diverse 媒体 of visual arts. The course addresses the thematic 概念 that are central to the nature of art making today. 视觉问题解决和团队合作将贯穿整个课程, in addition to an in-depth exploration of various materials and the nature of professional art practices.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Discuss and compare basic design principles, 概念, 媒体, and formats in the various fine arts disciplines.
  2. 在一个或多个特定美术领域构思、设计和创作作品的能力.
  3. 发展各种美学问题的工作知识, 流程, 以及媒介及其与概念化的关系, 发展, and completion of works of art.

ART 12D - Advanced Oil 绘画 II    ( 3.00 -单位)
油画高级项目,强调个人创造性工作和个人思想和风格的发展. 学生将建立在以前在中级绘画班开发的技能. Students will have the ability to show independent course work through exhibition opportunities. Mentoring students from the beginning levels classes is an important aspect of this course.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 学生将能够掌握和制作艺术作品,将社会的心理影响与自己的绘画相结合.
  2. 学生将能够画几个流派的主题
  3. 学生将能够展示通过欣赏他们的绘画的概念和情感理想的价值

ART 12A - Beginning Oil 绘画    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍原理,元素和油画的做法. Focus on exploration of painting materials, perceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, 以及对材料和主题的创造性反应.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. create paintings that evince a working knowledge of the physical properties of oil paint using tools, 媒介, and layering 技术.
  2. 使用相关的评论格式、概念和术语来评估和评论绘画.
  3. 使用基本的形式元素和设计原则创作绘画,因为它们与色彩理论和绘画有关.

ART 12B - Inter媒体te Oil 绘画    ( 3.00 -单位)
油画的中级项目,专注于更复杂和多样的主题, 媒体与概念. 特别强调的是创造性的发展, individualized approaches to materials and content.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Produce paintings that successfully incorporate historical and 当代 approaches to representation, 创造性表达, 和材料.
  2. 以书面和口头形式发展和表达概念和材料意图,并将其应用于成品绘画的创作.
  3. 安全处理和维护材料、工作室设施和设备.

ART 12C - Advanced Oil 绘画 I    ( 3.00 -单位)

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 熟练使用术语、工具、技术、支持和基础进行绘画.
  2. 开发一个独特的工作,成功地促进学生的想法,同时完善现有的绘画技巧和技术.
  3. 使用各种主题和流派创作绘画.

ART 13D - Acrylic 绘画 - Advanced II    ( 3.00 -单位)

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 学生将能够掌握和制作艺术作品,将社会的心理影响与自己的绘画相结合.
  2. 学生将能够画几个流派的主题
  3. 学生将能够展示通过欣赏他们的绘画的概念和情感理想的价值

ART 13B - Acrylic 绘画 - Beginning II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Projects in acrylic painting focusing on more complex and varied subject matter, 媒体与概念. 特别强调的是创造性的发展, individualized approaches to materials and content.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Produce paintings that successfully incorporate historical and 当代 approaches to representation, 创造性表达, 和材料.
  2. 以书面和口头形式发展和表达概念和材料意图,并将其应用于成品绘画的创作.
  3. 安全处理和维护材料、工作室设施和设备.

ART 13C - Acrylic 绘画 - Advanced I    ( 3.00 -单位)

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 熟练使用术语、工具、技术、支持和基础进行绘画.
  2. 开发一个独特的工作,成功地促进学生的想法,同时完善现有的绘画技巧和技术.
  3. 使用各种主题和流派创作绘画.

ART 13A - Acrylic 绘画 - Beginning I    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍原则,元素和丙烯绘画的做法. Focus on exploration of painting materials, perceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, 以及对材料和主题的创造性反应.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. create paintings that evince a working knowledge of the physical properties of acrylic paint using tools, 媒介, and layering 技术.
  2. 使用相关的评论格式、概念和术语来评估和评论绘画.
  3. 使用基本的形式元素和设计原则创作绘画,因为它们与色彩理论和绘画有关.

ART 16A - Introduction to Ceramics I    ( 3.00 -单位)
在车轮投掷和手工构建粘土形式的基本技术指导. 粘土和釉料的调查和对火的反应将包括在内. 将介绍使用釉料进行装饰的方法. Influence of Eastern and Western 当代 and historical works and the students' creations. Formulate personal creative process, including inspiration, experimentation, and evaluation. Designed for art majors as well as non-majors.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Achieve basic technical skills of hand-built forms
  2. Achieve basic technical skills of wheel-thrown forms
  3. 掌握上釉技能,了解釉料及其对火的反应
  4. Achieve trimming skills which exibit 工艺
  5. 展示对媒体潜力和局限性的理解.

ART 16C - Introduction to Ceramics III    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍轮盘抛形体的中间技术技巧,强调形体的创造性表达. 窑装窑烧成程序及工艺介绍. 继续发展各种手工泥塑技术.Mix one large studio batch of glaze.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Achieve basic technical skills of hand-built forms
  2. Achieve basic technical skills of wheel-thrown forms
  3. 掌握上釉技能,了解釉料及其对火的反应
  4. Achieve trimming skills which exibit 工艺
  5. 演示装料、上釉和浓汤窑的方法.

ART 16D - Ceramics - Inter媒体te    ( 3.00 -单位)
轮抛和手工制作粘土形式的中级技术技能, exploring more advanced 概念, and 流程 including basic design principles, 创造性的发展, 手工打造, 扔, 釉技术, firing and ceramic terminology. The course covers aesthetics and 创造性的发展 of clay objects examining historical, 当代, and personal modes of expression across cultures.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Achieve basic technical skills of hand-built forms
  2. Achieve basic technical skills of wheel-thrown forms
  3. 掌握上釉技能,了解釉料及其对火的反应
  4. Achieve trimming skills which exibit 工艺
  5. 比较和对比当代陶瓷艺术家的方法.

ART 16B - Introduction to Ceramics II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Further 发展 of the technical skills of wheel thrown and hand constructed clay forms. Exploration of surface decoration, 运用各种上釉技术和方法进行滑饰的工艺得以延续. Designed for art majors as well as non-majors

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 展示手工制作表格的基本技术技能
  2. 演示轮式投掷的基本技术技能
  3. 展示上釉技能,了解釉料及其对火的反应
  4. 展示精湛的修剪技巧

ART 17A - Beginning Sculpture 1    ( 3.00 -单位)
在粘土中通过设计立体和浮雕的施工方法. Includes an introduction to ceramic art history and fundamentals of ceramic glaze and firing technology. Elements and principles of three-dimensional design are emphasized in oral and written critiques. 本课程专为艺术专业及通识教育学生而设.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 用手工制作三维雕塑,表面装饰,显示对陶瓷釉面和烧制技术的理解.
  2. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计使用陶瓷术语.
  3. Express creative 概念.

ART 17B - Beginning Sculpture 2    ( 3.00 -单位)
进一步发展了立体雕塑和浮雕的技法. Development of style in surface decoration, 运用各种上釉技术和方法进行滑纹装饰. 专为艺术专业和通识教育学生设计.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用先进的手工制作技术制作三维雕塑,表面装饰显示对陶瓷釉面和烧制技术的理解.
  2. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计使用陶瓷术语.
  3. Express creative 概念.

ART 18A - Wood and Stone Sculpture I    ( 3.00 -单位)
设计和雕刻浅浮雕,使用木材和石头的减法方法. 从现代和跨文化的木材和石头艺术形式的例子. 包括气动(空气动力)技术的基础. Elements and principles of three-dimensional design are emphasized in oral and written critiques. 专为艺术专业和通识教育学生设计.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 利用传统媒介制作三维雕塑, 木, 和石头发展工艺和锻炼创造力和个人表达.
  2. 在浅浮雕表面装饰中制作立体雕塑.
  3. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计术语.

ART 18B - Wood and Stone Sculpture II    ( 3.00 -单位)
An inter媒体te course in the Design and carving of more advanced 3-dimensional sculptures, using subtractive 方法 in 木 and 石头. 包括气动(空气动力)技术的保养和维护. Elements and principles of three-dimensional design are emphasized in oral and written critiques.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 利用传统媒介制作三维雕塑, 木, and 石头 to develop advanced 工艺 and exercise creativity and personal expression.
  2. 在浅浮雕表面装饰中进一步发展制作立体雕塑.
  3. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计术语.

ART 20 - All Media Sculpture    ( 3.00 -单位)
Concentrated individual studies in sculpture, 旨在为各种雕塑媒介的可能性提供持续研究的机会,以创造个人风格和个人表达.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计和使用雕塑术语
  2. Express creative 概念
  3. 通过探索木材等传统媒介以外的材料,进一步发展现有的雕塑技能和技术, 石头, 和青铜

ART 21 - Individual Projects in Ceramic Sculpture    ( 3.00 -单位)
面向中高级学生的陶瓷雕塑项目. Building on previous knowledge and skills acquired from previous assignments in Beginning Sculpture, 学生们将创作出表达他们个人风格的艺术品.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计和使用雕塑术语
  2. Express creative 概念
  3. 开发一个独特的工作机构,成功地促进学生的想法,同时提炼现有的雕塑技巧和技术

ART 22 - Metal Sculpture - Lost Wax Bronze Casting    ( 3.00 -单位)
全面介绍各种金属雕塑工艺. 铸造青铜、铝的模具制造技术,以及基本焊接. Emphasis on 3-dimensional design quality, 工艺, 主题, 研究传统与当代金属雕塑的历史.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 制作一件原创青铜雕塑:制作一件原创泥塑, make a rubber mold of that original, 用橡胶做一个蜡制的复制品,然后浇铸成青铜, 最后涂上铜绿.
  2. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计和使用铸造术语
  3. Express creative 概念

ART 23 - 2-D 基金会s    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍来自不同文化的二维艺术的概念和应用, 历史时期, and aesthetic sensibilities. The course covers fundamental theoretical 概念 and terminology common to all two-dimensional art activities, including the study and analysis of the basic principles of organization and elements of line, 形状, 价值, 纹理, color, 空间的错觉. Designed to develop a visual vocabulary for 创造性表达 through lecture presentations, 工作室的项目, problem solving and written assignments. (May not receive credit if ART 10 has been completed)

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. design unique 作文s, using the elements and principles of design that show craftmenship and attention to detail;
  2. develop painting, collage, and assembly 技术 along with individual style and content;
  3. 写一篇艺术作品的正式分析,描述与艺术家参与的内容相关的设计元素和原则.

ART 24 - 3-D 基金会s    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the 概念, 应用程序, 与三维设计和空间构成相关的历史参考, 包括元素和设计的组织原则的研究,因为他们适用于三维空间和形式. 通过讲座演示和使用适当的材料进行三维工作室项目,发展创造性表达的视觉词汇.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 通过视觉组织原理获得功能性能力, 包括处理三维视觉元素的能力;
  2. present work that demonstrates perceptual acuity, conceptual understanding, 三维设计专业入门级的技术设施;
  3. 展示他们的作品,体验并参与对他们的作品和他人作品的评论和讨论.

艺术25 -色彩理论    ( 3.00 -单位)
A study of the principles, 理论, 以及二维颜色的加法和减法的应用. 主题将包括主要的历史和当代色彩系统, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 培养对视觉本质的基本工作理解, 行为, 而色彩的相互作用包括色相的色彩维度, 价值, and intensity in both additive and subtractive modes;
  2. 培养对色彩在艺术和设计历史中的作用和应用的基本理解,以及色彩的文化和情感维度;
  3. develop a basic understanding of color as relates to the elements of art and Principles of design;
  4. develop a basic knowledge and understanding of prominent color theorists and their writings regarding color;
  5. 培养一个词汇来讨论与艺术和设计相关的颜色.

ART 45 - 艺术ist Portfolio and Self-Promotion    ( 1.50 -单位)
开发艺术家/设计师的作品集和策略,以促进艺术和设计行业的自我推广. Students will work to revise existing projects, 创建高级项目,选择和组织项目进行推广. Includes use of effective 技术 of presentation. 包括创建和修改简历,名片,和模板为基础的网站.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 开发艺术家的作品集和自我推广策略.
  2. 对他们的专业作品集做最后的展示.

ART 54 - Illustrating Children's Books    ( 3.00 -单位)
以任何媒介创作两本不同的儿童读物. 儿童图书插图领域概述. The relationship between words and images, 页面布局, 性格发展, 插图样式. Illustrate existing books or students' own stories.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 制定一个版式,作为创作儿童读物的指南.     
  2. Execute quality draftsmanship and presentation skills.     
  3. 使用图书合同说明并制作两本设计良好的儿童书籍, 时间表, 假书, 和连贯和执行良好的插图和文字页面.
  4. 使用一个完成的布局作为指南来创建一本儿童读物.     

ART 61 -插图    ( 3.00 -单位)
在插图中创造和执行概念想法. 包括各种媒介和当代应用程序风格. 强调在传统的绘图技巧,工艺和表现.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 通过正式设计原则的实践,创造一个构图良好的形象.          
  2. 发展概念性的想法,并把它们制作成好的插图.
  3. 成功地使用各种插图媒介.    

ART 200 - Introduction to Drawing & 绘画    ( 3.00 -单位)
Individualized program of drawing and painting for residents in skilled-nursing facilities. 运用构图、色彩和线条的基本原则. Study of artistic practices of diverse cultures, 包括非洲设计原则和欧洲绘画.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 培养使用绘画、绘画和拼贴材料的能力

ART 201 - Sculpture and Ceramic 艺术 for Mature Adults    (单位)
在粘土中通过设计立体和浮雕的施工方法. Includes an introduction to ceramic art history and fundamentals of ceramic glaze and firing technology. Elements and principles of three-dimensional design are emphasized in oral and written critiques. This course is designed to improve artistic ability of mature adults 50 + years of age or older.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 用手工制作三维雕塑,表面装饰,显示对陶瓷釉面和烧制技术的理解.
  2. 批评杰作和学生雕塑结合元素和原则的三维设计使用陶瓷术语.
  3. Express creative 概念.

ART 202 - 绘画 and Drawing for Mature Adults    (单位)
这个非学分课程为成熟的成年人提供了一个个性化的绘画课程. 基本构图和色彩原则的应用. Covers as well as 技术, materials and terminology of two-dimensional image making will be covered in a hands-on studio format. This is a non-credit course.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create and finish paintings;
  2. use basic 作文 strategies with color;
  3. paint with ease and confidence.